RFA-DK-18-007, Establishing a Cohort to Clarify Risk and Protective Factors for Neurocognitive Complications of Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes (T1D)
Funding Opportunity Purpose: This FOA invites applications for planning cooperative agreements (U34) for a national, multisite, observational cohort study to prospectively examine the risk and protective factors for neurocognitive complications of pediatric type 1 diabetes (T1D; onset approximately ages 5-10 years) and a comparison sample. The U34 is designed to: 1) Permit early peer review of the rationale for the proposed cohort study; 2) Permit assessment of the study design; and 3) Provide support for the development of essential elements required for the design and conduct of the cohort study and the management and analysis of the study data. Consultation with NIDDK scientific staff is strongly encouraged prior to the submission of the U34 application.
Application Due Date: April 11, 2019, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization