Jennifer Inauen, PhD., is Assistant Professor of Health Psychology in the Department of Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine at University of Bern, Switzerland. She completed her PhD in psychology at the University of Zurich and the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag), Switzerland. In her thesis, Jennifer developed and tested theory-based behavior change strategies to promote arsenic-safe water consumption in Bangladesh. She subsequently joined the team of Prof. Urte Scholz as a researcher and lecturer (University of Konstanz, Germany, and later University of Zurich), before joining the Columbia University Couple’s lab (Niall Bolger), and Patrick Shrout’s lab (New York University) during a research fellowship for prospective researchers awarded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. At her return to Switzerland, Jennifer established her own research group at Eawag as a group leader in environmental and health psychology, before joining the University of Bern as assistant professor. Jennifer Inauen’s research aims to understand the principles of health behavior change, which she studies at the example of healthy eating, physical activity, beverage consumption, hygiene, and medication adherence. Using mobile technology and innovative experimental designs in daily life, she is particularly interested in distinguishing within-person and between-person behavior change processes, and their temporal development. Based on these insights, she aims at developing more effective behavior change interventions.


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